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IsoMate App


Experience Design

Interface Design

User Interview

Online Survey

User Personas

Customer Journey

User Flow

Hi-fi Prototype

User Testing


Adobe XD



IsoMate is a malleable tool for organization, connection, health and well-being. After three months of working together as a team, four junior UX designers from RMIT have created this product for young adults with a mission to provide a sense of time during the long period of Melbourne lockdown in 2020.


There are many tasks to complete, along with various rewards with XP and cute badges within the app to encourage self-maintenance and collaborations. With this product, lockdown would not be as mundane when there are badges to collect!


Aisyah Halid - Caroline Lim - Joel Echteld


Improving young Victorians well-being in the new norm

"Victorian young adults have been experiencing significant negative impacts on their wellbeing during COVID-19 lockdown due to the lack of social activities, the anxiety of the unknown, and more. 

How might we create a digital tool that supports our users in managing their mental health under the current circumstances?"

For our final product, IsoMate app consists of a variety of activities that can be completed individually or collaboratively, encouraging productivity and connectivity even within the four walls of your room. Users can choose to accomplish the task, add it to their calendar or invite their friends to do it together. By utilizing the methods of gamification, the app is also installed with an achievement system to reward points and badges whenever users complete a task so as to push engagement and motivation with an appropriate level of competitiveness.

IsoMate 1
IsoMate 2
IsoMate 3
Isomate 4

Before coming up with the final solutions, our team went through four weeks of planning, running, and defining user research so as to empathize with our users and ideate the product’s concept. In order to gather insights into the user's problems and needs, we conducted an online survey and 13 interviews with individuals and groups of young adults from different backgrounds in Victoria, using Google form, Zoom and Discord video calls as our main tools. Below are images of our keynotes for interviews and survey responses.

Team 4 UX - Interview Key Insights
Team 4 UX - Survey Key Insights

Thanks to those insights from research, we were able to collect information to create different user personas and a journey map to define our users' pain points, gains, needs, and reality. From there, we managed to ideate possible solutions using a lean UX canvas and user flow, taking the beginning steps to develop our concept.

worker bee
Team 4 UX - User Journey
Team 4 UX - Lean UX Canvas

In this stage, our members worked in two sub-teams, one team was in charge of UX design and the other was responsible for UI design. As for myself, I took part in finding and building the design proposal consisting of visual style, color scheme and typography, working closely with another member who supported me in designing graphic elements for the interface. After receiving the sample wireframe from the Figma file of the mid-fi prototype, I developed the hi-fi one by refining the layout and applying visual components in Adobe Illustrator and XD.

Team 4 UX - User Flow
Team 4 UX - Ui Concept

Along the process, the hi-fi prototype has gone through several iterations according to the results of user testing that was conducted using Since one of the features includes the automatic theme mode adjustment to protect users from blue lights, it also required a lot of revisions in changing the color palettes that could be suitable for morning, afternoon and night time.



RMIT University

Empowering a Business Branding


Have an idea for collaboration?
Feel free to reach out or shoot a "🌠" via my email or socials. Cheers!  

© Gemma Co

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